星期日, 5月 15, 2005

品香樓上海菜館 Ban Heun Lau


凍朱古力 -- 勁大杯,超抵飲,仲有滑滑忌廉係頂.
炒蜆 -- 夠入味,唔算大隻,但隻隻有肉兼冇空殼.
南乳豬手 -- 名菜之一,抬抬必叫,超香口夠份量.



Add: 石硤尾南山村南豐樓平台商場
Tel: 2778-8791
Posted by Hello

3 則留言:

匿名 說...

請加入一些你的個人品評, 光是照片令人難明所以

bonbon2468 說...

thx for visit ^__^

my comment is one word "good"
go there after 9:30pm
have many discount items

u can browse here

all the photos i post are discount items, all below HKD20~

this place is like my memory
not write for others but for my own

help me to remind the past, and write down what i think.

匿名 說...

獨樂樂不如眾樂樂, 平凡中也有真趣. 把平民化美食公諸同好, 不亦樂乎 ?